The second in a series of out of print anthologies by C.L.R. James.
Published by Allison & Busby, 1980.

This was the second of a series of anthologies published during James’ lifetime by publishers Allison & Busby following The Future in the Present three years previously.
Spheres of Existence collects more of James’ key essays including ‘The Making of the Caribbean People’, ‘Black Power’ and the tribute to his friend and cricketer ‘Learie Constantine’.
Although out of print, these anthologies are worth seeking out as they encapsulate the breadth and depth of James’ political intellect, from the stories he wrote in his 20s through to his later writings written in his 70s an 80s.
Biographical Introduction
La Divina Pastora
Turner’s Prosperity
“After Hitler, Our Turn”
The Philosophy of History and Necessity: Few Words with Professor Hook After Ten Years
Dialectical Materialism and the Fate of Humanity
Two Young American Writers Marxism and the Intellectuals
The West Indian Middle Classes
“Othello” and “The Merchant of Venice~” Parties, Politics and Economics in the Caribbean
On Wilson Harris
The Making of the Caribbean People Peasants and Workers
Black Power
Discovering Literature in Trinidad: the Nineteen-Thirties
Learie Constantine
Paul Robeson: Black Star